Opening Day at the Fantasy Faire (FF report1)

Well all the hard work is done getting the 9 sims ready for the Faire, and I was lucky enough to be invited to the bloggers preview day. I wondered the sims and was just awestruck by the amount of creativity and the attention to detail.

From floating like a mermaid on the Sirens Secret sim to wanting to eat the footpath of smarties on the Jungle Bungle sim it was an exhausting day. Just as well Dreamscaped Dagger of Dreamscape designs  sent me one of her wonderful *D*D* Crescent Chair, very detailed fabric in a Faded Indigo shade. Oh the footrest was just what a poor avi needs when her feet start to ache. As you see from the picture I feel asleep drinking my hot chocolate ..Grins

Dreamscape designs on the Shadow Claw sim

Dreamscape designs on the Shadow Claw sim

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